Top 5 Promising Careers In Digital Marketing For Freshers
If you are a newly minted graduate who would like to make a career in the Digital Marketing field and are searching for a compass, you are in for good news. We have made this guide exactly for the folks like you comparing the pay prospects of the top 5 Digital Marketing jobs you guys can get into. So read on:

Here are the top 5 promising careers in Digital Marketing for freshers that can pay off very well in the long run:
1. SEO Analyst:
SEO Analyst is the most fundamental job that could get you into the field of Digital Marketing. As the whole world is getting themselves on to the web, websites are highly dependent on search engines for their business and marketing, making the demand for SEO Analysts in Digital Marketing perennial. needed skills for companies in 2018.
The primary job responsibility of an SEO Analyst is to drive the audience to the website by improving its rankings in the Search Engines. Performing Keyword Research, Developing on and off-page strategies for the website, Site audits, Competitor Analysis, Monitoring Web Analytics, and a lot more goes into doing the same.
2. Search Engine Marketers:
A Search Engine Marketer is the sibling of the SEO Analyst, who works for a similar goal but in a different setting and with greater power and hence more effective. While an SEO Analyst chugs along with the heavy workload to market the services and products by gaining top rankings, a Search Engine Marketer can place his products at the top using PPC marketing. Putting all the baloney aside, Search Engine Marketing is nothing but Search Engine Advertising in Digital Marketing.
Technically speaking, the job responsibility of a Search Engine Marketer primarily includes the Implementation and optimization of these paid search campaigns (read: advertising), Analysis of campaigns and recommendations to increase the ROI, Creating Reports, and more.
Search Engine Marketing is one of those jobs in Digital Marketing which demands the right amount of Analytic and Creative skills. And that is why a Search Engine Marketer is always in high demand in Digital Marketing Field. But don’t worry you hit the ground running by choosing a good Digital Marketing course and undergoing relevant certifications.
3. Content Marketing:
We are living in blessed times where we can easily monetize our passions. If writing is your passion, there are no jobs better than Content Marketing in terms of both money and career prospects.
Okay, we got it. But how important is a Content Developer for Digital Marketing, you ask? Simply put, content is the engine with which Digital Marketing thrives. Ask any Digital Marketing Expert he will be saying the same.
4. Social Media Marketing:
The gigantic rise of Social Media Platforms has created a vast number of opportunities for the millennials where they can use their skills in a much more effective way. Social Media Marketing is one such avenue in Digital Marketing Social Media guys with a bent for analytics.
We are in times where Socia Media can make or break brands. A Social Media Marketing professional is a guy who helps you in building your business brand and is also responsible for maintaining the brand’s presence across all the social media channels, ensuring healthy relationships with the customer base. Developing Social Media Posts, Gauging their performance using analytics, and tinkering with them to create the right effect, anything and everything related to Social Media is under the nose of a Social Media Marketer.
5. Web Developer:
Web Developer may seem like a surprise entry into this list but let us say why here.
A Web Developer is always in demand but what separates him from a Web Developer in a Digital Marketing Company is the sheer amount of exposure the latter has to online marketing and the revenue he brings to the company. Most Web Design Companies are two times as Digital Marketing Companies for the same reason.
So there is a high chance of scoring a job in Digital Marketing if you can skill up!
Most of the first generation of Digital Marketers are self-taught so it took them a good number of years to gain a concrete understanding of this field. It doesn’t mean you have to do the same. There are many courses, designed and developed by these experts that could fast-track you into the Digital Marketing field. However, the real-time work in Digital Marketing work can differ a lot, and the best way to know the ropes of Digital Marketing is to learn it in real-time by working alongside experts.
Being one of the top-rated Digital Marketing companies in Hyderabad, VENUS Digital Marketing has a long tradition of encouraging new talents. So, if you are through with your Digital Marketing concepts and would like to apply their real-world while making a career for yourself in Digital Marketing, explore!